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The Company-Developer involved in developing the project of hydropower plants construction in Lao PDR.
Since December 2005, three Hydropower Plant Projects are under Implementation by the Region Oil in Lao PDR.
Anticipated installed capacity of the hydroelectric plants amounts to about 1200 MW; estimated total investments equal US$ 1.5 bin.
Region Oil Company obtained a 30-year concession for the hydroelectric plants on BOOT terms
123022, Moscow, Russia
13/1, 2nd Zvenigorodskaya Str.,
Tel.: +7 (495) 641 1108
E-mail: okabardin@region-oil.com
To coordinate works and settle issues with GOL and regional organizations in an expeditious manner, Region Oil Company has founded Region HPP Lao Company (RHPSL Co., Ltd.) having its representative offices in Sekong and Attapeu Provinces, where Se Kong-4, Se Kong-5, and Nam Kong-1 HPP dam sites are located.
Mekong Hotel, Building 1, Block B, 1st Floor, # 2113, Ban Sithanneua,
Souphanouvong Avenue, Sikhottabong Dist. Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Tel : +7 (856-21) 218 303
E-mail: sidach@gmail.com